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During this spiritual journey or awakening. I even at times call it just remembering. Last year during the Pink Moon in LIBRA I was lead to offer my insite at $19 for a MINI session. Everyone asked me what did I mean by MINI. My response is you don’t get that MANY minutes or cards. So I offer other options. The time frame for this 4/19 ~ 4/29, 2022. The response has been very refreshing. I also offer a spiritual session 15 minutes or 2 direct questions for $25. And a 30 minute session for $40. These are US currency.


  1. Shakeera williams

    The absolute best experience I have ever had with a seer! Listen, I have learned that you can not be out here trusting your spiritual well-being to just anybody!! Get you an advisor that you can trust and grow with! I’m so thankful that Ms Cassie is mine ❤️ She never disappoints!! She always makes time for me, she is always spot on and she gets me together when need-be! Book your readings and classes, you will not be disappointed!!! I took her tarot class and I was reading the cards in an hour y’all, she’s that relatable and easy to learn from! Y’all are sleep if you are not booking with Ms Cassie #period. Booking my pink moon now, bye 😘 ~Shake

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